Aromatic herbs
1 June 2015


Basil is an annual herbaceous plant, whose stem reaches a height of just over half a meter.
The broad leaves with different forms depending on the species, have green color, with a much more vivid tone at the top. Its foliage is very aromatic.
Its small flowers, leaving grouped, white or lavender, will make their appearance in summer.
There are over 40 species of this plant. The most common is the Ocinum Basilicum or sweet basil.


For proper development, seeds or cuttings are planted in rows in rich, moist soil, but without becoming waterlogged and good drainage.
This must be done in spring, once it has passed the risk of frost, as they do not tolerate cold well.
It can be grown in nurseries and after the plant emerges, transplanted to soil or a pot. If kept inside, we can use the leaves throughout the year.If you want to grow healthy and abundant foliage, we have to cut its branches every two or three weeks; Pruning is an easy way to stimulate growth. It will also be necessary to occasionally add organic fertilizer to the ground, although it is not desirable to add too much fertilizer as sacrifice the flavor of the leaves to achieve growth mayor.En the time of harvesting, which takes place before flowering because we can use the fresh leaves. If we want their properties last longer, you will need dry. To do so, they left in a ventilated and dark. When dry, they are stored in glass jars.


Basil is one of the aromatic herbs most commonly used in Italian cuisine. The leaves are the part used in the kitchen, whether they are fresh or dried. The former have more aroma and flavor. If you do not want to preserve by drying, it is also possible to freeze.
They are very suitable for both eggs to fish or stews and are one of the indispensable ingredients of pesto sauce.
Its essential oils are also used in the manufacture of liquor or to provide flavor to soups and stews.
The oil we use usually have a different flavor for a few days if we introduce some leaves on it.
It also serves as an ingredient in natural remedies, in teas, energy drinks, to prevent hair loss or to combat halitosis.
It also aids digestion. To make the preparation, we coceremos about 20 gr. leaves in a liter of water. Let stand and strain.



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